
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Watery Wednesday

Birding at Two Lights State Park
Cape Elizabeth, Maine

(Histrionicus histrionicus)
The biting cold was worth the picture!
Zoomed to the max with my little Canon, I'm quite pleased with the results!
Maybe there's hope for me, yet!


  1. Waters looking pretty rough for those ducks, great shot.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  2. They're taking a buffeting. I hope they're enjoying it!

  3. Loveky picrture, I am sure they like what they are doing

  4. Winter photography in Maine is an extreme sport. Worthy of the effort as I always enjoy your photos.

  5. Karen: Neat capture of the special ducks at sea. They remind me of Wood Ducks.

  6. Thanks, all. They appeared to be having a blast out there. The wind was fierce and biting cold that day. They are a beautiful species of duck, and yes, very similar in appearance to the wood duck. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for their different preference of habitat, I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart! (Unless they were side by side.)

  7. Love the Harelequins and their fancy dress. We have them here in WA state too and was happy to experience them commonly in the Aleutian Islands too. They seem to be quite the successful northern cold water species.

  8. Nice shot of the harlequin Ducks. They are so pretty.


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