
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mute Swans

On a little patch of open water in a frozen lake, I came acorss this
pair of  Mute Swans, (Cygnus olor).
I watched them for a long time as they took turns feeding.  First one, then the other.

A native of northern and central Eurasia, the Mute Swan was introduced into North America to grace the ponds of parks and estates. Escaped individuals have established breeding populations in several areas, where their aggressive behavior threatens native waterfowl.

The Mute Swan is one of the heaviest flying birds, with males (known as cobs) averaging about 12 kilograms (26 lb) and females (known as pens) more than 15 kilograms (33 lb).


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  1. Superb shots! Especially the first one! Have a nice Sunday, ciao! :-)

  2. Wow, what a perfect shot of the swans! You have a great blog. We will definitely be back to visit.

    Thank you for the kind comments on our blog. Fortunately for us, the Williamsburg area is so beautiful that all you need to do is point your camera and it looks like a postcard.

    You are right about the Forster Terns. We had to get out our Virginia Bird Guide to find out, but you have an excellent eye.

    Darryl & Ruth

  3. That's an awesome shot. Like the first shot.

    Enjoy the love-day.

  4. Wonderful captures! Swans are such fun to watch and photograph.

  5. Karen: That is such a beautiful bird and you got some neat photos.

  6. Heheheee! Bottoms up! That's so funny, but they sure are beautiful!

  7. this is a lovely post, thank you for sharing.

  8. Its totally amazing how such a heavy bird can fly and land so gracefully. I love how the swans brake with their feet on the open water.


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