
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Check, check!

(Catherpes mexicanus)

During my camping trip to Guadalupe River State Park,
I was fortunate to observe several Canyon Wrens (check).
This little fellow is a life bird for me!

I felt pretty honored,
as I realize that my location
was on the very fringes  of their range,
and I never expected to see one,
let alone so many.
But it was their preferred habitat of
cliffs and rock ledges.

Another life bird for me was this
Ladder-backed Woodpecker, (Picoides scalaris) (check).

It was my first day at the park, and I had stopped a couple,
who were obviously birders, to pick their brains
about what I might look forward to seeing.
I had just commented that I was in hopes of seeing
a Ladder-backed Woodpecker,
and as if on cue, in he flew.

Other life birds I observed during my stay at the state park were the
Bewick Wren, (Thryomanes bewickii)(check); House Wren, (Troglodytes aedon)(check),

and the Carolina Chickadee, (Poecile carolinensis)(check).

I also observed a White-throated Sparrow(Zonotrichia albicollis)  
and can take it
off of my 'auditory only' list!

Not a life bird, but a delightful, comical resident of the park
was the Black-crested Titmouse, Baeolophus atricristatus
(also known as the Mexican Titmouse).

There was a bevy of birds to keep me busy
during the week.

Camera Critters


  1. Wonderful birding experience, and even photos to prove it!

  2. I love the picture of the woodpecker and how he blends so well with his environment. You really got some great pictures. Now pardon my dumbness, but what is a life bird?

  3. Beautiful birds...great it.

  4. I love every type of wren. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  5. Great birds! I love the cute wren. And watch a neat sighting of the woodpecker. Great photos.

  6. What a great trip for bird watching. The carolina chickadee is a favorite of mine and I'm lucky to have many in my garden and they nest each year in my nesting boxes.

  7. Wonderful trip!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. What a marvelous time you must have had!
    I love the shot of the Canyon Wren - lovely light!

  9. Nice shots of the birds. I especially enjoy the Canyon Wren and its setting.

  10. I have never seen a Canyon Wren before. What a little beauty as are all your other lovely shots. A nice variety to share with us and another lovely trip to your blog.

  11. Your photo's always make me feel warm! So sunny and birds chirping - can just hear them now.
    We have blue jays, magpies and sparrows mostly in the winter.

  12. There's such happiness associated with birds. I always enjoy your photos.

  13. I adore Canyon Wrens! We had one near our field house in TX that we called Jacque. Their song makes me happy every time I hear it. So glad you saw one :) Love all the bird photos, glad you had fun :)

  14. Beautiful captures Karen! Happy early Spring! I love your canyon wren, he's a stunner, wow! Your composition, colors, and contrast are all wonderful and what a wonderful opportunity to photography the woodpecker.. It's a great shot, love the bark and the great detail on the back of his lovely feathers! Have a great photo week, Linda :))

  15. Sweet birds. I really like wrens. We have a few around our house and they can be really loud.

  16. You have so many beautiful pictures to show! And much interesting to tell. I have learned a lot I didn't know!

  17. Hi Karen. Not sure how I missed this post. I can tell you had a great time ... lots of fabulous encounters and the lifers.

  18. A good trip, especially for wrens! Now I want to go camping in that state park. There's much of Texas I haven't seen. It's such a big state! I hope you didn't get too cold in our cold spell.

  19. Are they related to a cactus wren? The cactus wrens make a lovely song here in the desert....just wondering!

  20. These are amazing photos. Thanks for sharing.

    All the best, Boonie

  21. Check, check! What a great day! I have seen all of those except the last one! I need to add it to my life list! I have not birded in Texas much at all. Just along the highway while driving through and at the airport while passing through!

    Congratulations to you though! These are all great birds to see!

  22. You have some wonderful nature shots here! Of course now I must follow you! Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words!!! Happy to meet another Texan!


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen