
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Small Community Quilt Show

Friday dawned a gloriously sunny and calm day,
 perfect weather for a day trip to Albert Bridge, Nova Scotia.

A quaint little community straddling the Mira River
in the northeastern corner of Cape Breton,
Albert Bridge boasted an overwhelming population
of 159 in 2001.

After a leisurely, scenic, 2 hour ride,
my quilting friend and I
arrived at this quaint little church

to find the doors opened and welcoming us inside.
Built in 1857, the Union Presbyterian Church and Memorial Hall
is the oldest Presbyterian church in all of Cape Breton.

I was especially smitten with the
driftwood adornment in each window!
I was told that they embellish these
during special seasons and events.

Inside, indeed!!  The church was filled with beautiful quilts
tenderly stitched at every skill level.
Although it was just a small church,

the display was overwhelming!

This was my personal favorite!

All of the ladies did an amazing job
and we had the most delightful time!


  1. Gorgeous setting for beautiful quilts. When I moved to Oregon our little town had a quilt show in an old church. The quilts were draped over the pews as well and it was such a pretty site.

  2. How very heavenly! Yes, all puns intended. Just beautiful in such a perfect place to display them. :)

  3. what a great place to have a quilt show!!!

    i LOVE your header photo! :)

  4. what a lovely church and a fasdinating display of quilts!

  5. Talk about eye candy. What a treat to see all these beautiful quilts and in such a unique setting. I also really like the last one that you said was your personal favorite. It never ceases to amaze me at the wonderful talent that is out there. Thanks for sharing. Nola

  6. What a lovely little town to be! Incredible, how many quilts they have for display in that beautiful church!

  7. This is absolutely beautiful, and the fact that it is in Cape Breton brings tears to my eyes. Although I rented a car in Baddeck, it turned out I was unable to drive very much of the Cabot Trail, so I'm delighted to see places I missed.
    I'm going to send this link to a dear friend in BC who is a wonderful quilter.
    Thanks so much.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Wow, a neat way to have a quilt show. And what quilts they are! That Celtic quilt next to your favorite is pretty cool too. I am planning to teach a Celtic applique class this fall.
    thanks for sharing that unique show.
    love your new header.

  9. I have lusted after a hand-made quilt for them..sigh..

  10. Ma,
    I restarted my blog, so I can be just like you...
    I like how they displayed the quilts on the pews! Glad y'all had a nice time. Wish I was there.

  11. I think that quilts are wonderful to see, they remind of my old auntie, she loved making them.

  12. What a delightful place to view the beautiful quilts.

  13. Oh what fun! Love the church and the quilts! That is quite an art!

  14. Your prsonal fav was made by my mom. im no expert but i do see the difference in a hand crafted vs machine made quilt. each stitch so carefull and deliberate.. she is so happy you liked her work!

  15. Hello Karen, thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Quilt Show, thankyou...Hugs Lyn

  16. What a great quilt show in a lovely venue.

    I really love the lace under the driftwood on the windowsill.

  17. That's a lot of quilts to take to a church in Nauvoo. We usually like to tie quilts at our house when we feel like we want to donate the quilts to Primary Children's medical center.


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