
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wood Turtle

Species at Risk

The Wood Turtle, (Glyptemys insculpta) 
can be found primarily
in forestry and agriculture areas.

In some areas, the wood turtle is commonly called
"red legs" because the back of the legs vary in colour
from bright orange to red.
The underside of the neck and tail are also orange to red.

It lives mostly in the northeastern mainland
and the River Inhabitants in southeastern Cape Breton.

In mid to late June,
females usually dig a nest in a sandy gravel bank
on a bend in the river.
They deposit 8 to 10 leathery eggs.

In other parts of North America,
this turtle is also threatened or endangered
throughout much of its range.

(Photos courtesy of The Ranger,
taken June, 2011,
River Inhabitants, CB, NS)


  1. Very interesting! I'd never heard of a wood turtle before.

  2. You always write such interesting things! Since I discovered your blog, I have been looking much better at birds and am really enjoying it!
    When we lived in NJ, I remember we had a turtle in our garden (o:

    And, guess what my word verification is: rednesso. Coincidence?

  3. Interesting! I have never seen one of these turtles. Probably because I don't live anywhere near its habitats.

  4. The feet are so cute, like it has toes with nails:) Interesting facts, too.

  5. I live in the midst of its habitat but I don't think I've ever seen one before. S/he's a handsome critter.

  6. Very interesting post and nice photos.


  7. So interesting...but endangered! I'd love to see one in person, and I promise to do nothing to endanger it further.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Brilliant pictures. Why do they have red legs?

  9. I learn something new every day I start up my computer. Beautiful image of the Turtle.

  10. It looks as if the legs glow from the orange/red color. I'm mostly familiar with desert tortoises, being from Southern California. I'm very partial to the hard shelled critters. My word verification is redso. :o)

  11. Hi Karen,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we must never ever take our wildlife for granted. I hope the Wood Turtle has a secure future. Nice to you have posted again Karen. Your were missed. John

  12. Fascinating! I like his legs. His feet seem big compared to turtles I have seen around here.

  13. So so important to pay attention to these things....I just love turtles.. Nature must be cared for if we are to survive...we humans are a selfish lot and if we don't do right by our beautiful planet and the natural world we will be very is so worth it to protect and care for these wonderful creatures....Thank you for teaching us!

  14. I enjoyed my early morning lesson on the Wood Turtle. Cute little thing, thank you :)

  15. This is my first encounter with the wood turtle. It is lovely and as always so sad to see it is endangered.We certainly don't have them in the UK. Thanks for informing me.

  16. Great Looking turtle!! Hope they can increase their numbers!

  17. Right when I was in elementary school, I had a cluster teacher named Mrs. Craig and she had a pet turtle named Mertle. My friends in Mrs. Craig's class enjoyed her turtle.

  18. Very interesting to learn about wood turtles. Never heard of them before. I think it is interesting they have red-orange legs. I wonder if the bright color attracts other turtles. It really doesn't look like it would be a camouflage thing. Another great post! Thanks, Nola

  19. Thank you all for visiting! Anytime I hear of a species dressed in red, my first thought is for protection against predators. Red means poison! Perhaps it's true for the Wood Turtle, too. So many little turtles don't make it in the wild because they are so vulnerable and the red legs might help keep a few of them safe.

  20. An interesting post Karen plus a lovely shot of the 'Red-legs'.

  21. They may supposedly be in NY, ( grew up there), but I never saw one till we moved to Michigan.


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