
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just in Time

by Richard Crossley, Jerry Liguori & Brian Sullivan


arrived just in time for spring migration.
Last year, much to my delight and surprise,
I was able to observe a partial migration
right from my daughter's backyard.
The sky was full and my eyes were glued
and my neck was sore,
and I have lots of faraway pictures of...
("See that dot?  It's a hawk.")
To this day, raptors remain my nemesis bird,
despite all of the hawk books I have acquired,
perhaps because of the infrequency of seeing them.
Other difficult birds are easier to study,
Jerry Liguori, I knew I loved you when you released
Hawks from Every Angle and Hawks at a Distance,
but your decision to collaborate with Richard and Brian
put you at the tippety top of my list, in a tie with  Pete Dunne!
As soon as you open the cover of this newest Crossley ID Guide
you know you've struck gold.
The composite pictures are big, bold, and beautiful.
Every habitat known to raptors is covered,
different times of day are featured, .
maps and 'detailed species accounts' are included.
Hawks are tough, they fly so high,
they change shape in the sky,
they change color in the lighting,
but nothing is left to the imagination anymore.
This guide shows just what you'll often encounter in the field,
using Crossley's famous digital photographic montages .
It's all right here at your fingertips.
"The book also includes several "quiz" plates.
These plates have numbered birds without ID labels,
with discussion points and the answers given in the back."
Did you know there are
34 North American diurnal raptor species,
not including owls?
If you haven't picked up your copy yet,
there's still time! 
Scheduled for release in April,
your order from Buteo Books helps support the ABA!
There's a mountaintop in Maine just calling my name.
And this year, I'll have my new guide at the ready!!
It isn't even too big to carry
(once in awhile!).


  1. I swear, there was a flock of seagulls flying over our neighborhood the other day...we are 400 miles from any coast!! Hmmmm...guess I have no idea what I am seeing? but I loved them anyway!! So beautiful!

  2. awesome! i still enjoy my crossley id eastern ALL THE TIME!

  3. how neat - I must admit to not knowing the names of too many birds, my oldest daughter is a bird watcher though keeps me informed. have fun on your upcoming trip.

  4. I always learn so much from your blog. Simply: Thank you. Hugs.

  5. Hi Karen..How did I miss your previous your visitor's and the dewlap-py thingy ; ) to cute : )
    The ID guide was shown and highly praised on a couple of birders blogs I follow a week ago !!
    Seems to be a well done and put together guide, and can tell you are excited aren't you : )
    I just did a post on Bald Eagles, with pictures need to come see ; )

  6. Here's a link to a story of an exciting visitor we had in NS yesterday

  7. So glad your book arrived. What fun you are going to have reading and searching the skies. Nola

  8. What a terrific book, you know you really are my window into the world of bird watching!

  9. Oh my goodness, so funny you should post this on Wednesday - I posted today about an experience with a hawk in my yard today. I would be interested to know your thoughts on it!

  10. Wonderful review! I have his other bird guide and I love it!

    BTW, did you say you would be over my way soon? Drop me an email, okay? (it's in the sidebar of my blog).


  11. Princeton Univ. Press alerted me to your review...

    Thank you for the review, I'm so glad you like the book!!!! It is nice to hear.

    Jerry Liguori

  12. Sounds like a great book and a lovely review, thank you. I saw flocks of albatross high, high up in the sky on our road trip but I did't get very good photos. Still, it was fun to identify them eventually.

  13. Wonderful review! This sounds like just the book I need. I am forever confused when attempting to identify hawks. Now, if only the weather would improve and I could get outside to view some raptors.


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