
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Join Me For a Paddle

Summer has finally arrived in Cape Breton!
It's even almost a little too toasty,
especially for being right on the ocean.
But the calm, albeit very cold, water
was perfect for the first paddle of the year.
Here we go!
A Belted Kingfisher protects its territory
from human invasion with his screaming rattle
and imposing presence.
Let's zoom in on him a little.
The Kingfisher "nest in burrows that they dig into soft earthen banks,
usually adjacent to or directly over water."
His nest was tucked in here, about a foot below
the treeline in the center of the picture.
Sorry you can't actually see the little hole.
The same spot from further away. 
Isn't it beautiful?
Common Terns were our next encounter.
You can see this rock is well used!

They let me glide quite closely
before they felt a little threatened by my presence
and flew off to a nearby rock.
My paddling companion brought along his fishing pole
and wasn't disappointed!

Meanwhile, this little butterfly, perhaps the size of a nickel,
pauses for a rest before continuing on his journey.
He was a surprise!
Through the mist that developed over the water
from the heat of the day,
this sailboat has a rather spectral appearance.
In the immediate foreground are a couple of
cormorants drying their wings,
while nearby, and proabably
 the highlight of the day, were these massive gray seals.
Although a distance away, their moans and groans,
snorts and chortles,
could be heard all along the shoreline.
They appear to be laying on top of the water,
but the tide was receding
and they were on the tippity tops of the rocks.
They do not let you get very close,
so it isn't even worth the effort.
I hope you enjoyed your paddle.
I could go on and on,
but after almost 4 miles of paddling in the hot sun,
I'm a little weary.
Calgon, take me away!!


  1. Thanks for the paddle Karen.
    I have never seen a butterfly pitch on the water, Wow.

  2. Hi Karen...Oh what a lovely place,and view through your photo's show that and a nice paddle ride!!
    It is hot here yikes not what I like to enjoy the summer!!
    Like the Belted and the butterfly "on water"!!!!

  3. The water is so beautifully calm! Lovely ride. Thanks for taking us along. :)

  4. Thanks for taking us along for the paddle , what a lovely paddle it was , so neat to see the seals and the butterfly was a special treat too:-)

  5. wonderful, peaceful views! so cool!

  6. Oh, I loved this...wish I could come and paddle with you!

  7. what a pretty place - thanks for sharing!

  8. What a nice outing, the water, birds and the scenery are all beautiful.

  9. What fun, I feel refreshed already!

  10. What a gorgeous ride. I would have enjoyed being there in person! This is the next best thing, since I will likely never get a ride like yours.

  11. What a wonderful journey you took us on! Loved seeing your pics...such gorgeous scenery! Thank you for sharing such great pictures!

  12. I enjoyed that a LOT! Love the kingfisher they are primo to watch...and what fun to see those Seals!! Very warm here today!!

  13. I loved the paddle and bird watching... lovely day... rest well...

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed that paddle! Thanks for taking us along. It certainly is beautiful out there.

  15. How lucky you are to be able to do this... Michelle

  16. I'd say from your photos you had a fun paddle around. I love all this water scenery. Great shots! When we were down in Virginia Beach on the way there and back, we saw more kayaks on top of people's cars than ever before.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving your very sweet comments on my blog.

    Happy week to you :)
    An English Girl Rambles

  17. You live in such a dreamy place! We sold our tandem kayak a few years ago because it was so heavy and we both had back problems. After reading your post, I am regretting this decision even more than usual. Are your kayaks fairly easy to lift into and out of your vehicle as well as the water?

  18. Such beautiful photos, just looking at them is a lovely respite from the humidity and heat today!

  19. Lots to see! thanks for sharing your ride with us.

  20. Stunning scenery thanks for sharing the beauty :))


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen