
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

I had the opportunity
to receive a lot of feedback from
the comfort quilts I make and gift others
in my community.
It warmed my heart.
But sometimes,
a picture (or three) says a thousand words.


My broken young friend
is doing very well.
Just the other day, she had all pins, screws, and the brace
holding her spine, hips, and pelvis together
and walked, with aid, for the first time
in over a month.

Although she faces grueling and intensive PT now,
she's young, strong, and determined.
Her boyfriend of 3 years did not survive the accident,
but I know he is watching over her
and her memories of the love they shared
will guide her through
the next few months of her recovery.
For me,
this is what making quilts
is all about.
Again, many thanks to Natalia
for casting her magic spell
over this quilt
and making this possible for me.


  1. How wonderful to actually get to see the recipient of one of your quilts like that. I often wonder where the ones I donate end up, and if they're loved or not. I'm glad to hear she's doing so well! :0)

  2. I am so glad that she is doing better! I loved her expression when you gave her the quilt...wonderful!

  3. This is the loveliest post though I'm sorry about the death of her boyfriend. She is blessed to have other caring people in her life, like you.

  4. Hi Karen... What a precious happy look on here face has she holds up that quilt, that must have made you very emotional!!
    So very nice you have gotten to see these photo , and that she is making progress !!


  5. A gift of the heart is the best kind of gift.

  6. it sounds like a long struggle ahead of her and glad to see she liked the quilt, it is sad that she lost her boyfriend in the accident. The quilt will give some comfort.

  7. So glad that she is progressing and that things are looking up for her. A wonderful quilty hug from you to her.

  8. this gave me chills. what a resilient young woman. bless her (and you!)

  9. She looks very happy with the Quilt.
    Greetings, RW & SK

  10. I totally have tears in my eyes! So glad things are looking up for her.

  11. I am so glad you could personally take this quilt to her. Awesome that it was at a time when she was able to stand with help and walk. What a miracle. Loved her smile!

  12. Thank you for sharing such a special quilt story...her smile when she saw your quilt lights up the room!

  13. thanks for sharing those sweet photos.

  14. What an emotional post! Glad that she is doing better. Love the smile on her face. You did good, Karen! A quilt from the heart!

  15. very touching.... and so special to give a quilt .. they do make a difference.... my thoughts for your friend as she heals physically as well as emotionally....

  16. Oh, Karen, you're right, this is heartwarming. But it brought tears to my eyes as well, as she lost a loved one in the accident.
    She looks like a girl who's got what it takes to make it through the upcoming therapy, though. What a lovely smile, and what a lovely quilt!

  17. Karen, you are "sew" special and thoughtful and how wonderful to see pictures of your friend receiving her quilt. The picture showing her with the quilt is worth a thousand words. There is no question that she loved it! So glad to hear that she is improving and was able to take a few steps. Nola

  18. God bless you both. That quilt will be loved.

  19. What a wonderful gift - she looks so happy and upbeat. I hope she recovers fully very soon!

  20. This is awesome. Such an amazing thing you're doing. It truly warms my heart. xoxo

  21. Bless her and your heart.
    We reap what we sow- don't we :)

  22. How touching Karen , I am deeply moved by the pictures knowing the story behind this quilt of love . You are such a special person and like me this young lady is very fortunate to have you as part of her life ,

  23. Oh, my; what a truly touching post this is. I can't stop the tears. I do know wxactly what you mean when you say "it's why I quilt"... hugs to you for your generous and loving heart. Praying for healing and wholeness for y our precious young friend.

  24. Your friend does look happy with her new quilt. You are such a great friend! Loved the photos and the beautiful quilt. Sending my prayers for a quick recovery! Have a happy weekend!

  25. It's very inspiring to see such a young person who has lost so much, still be able to smile. & Your generosity & kindness goes a long way Ka Holly.

  26. Wow Karen, what an inspiring post! Your gift has brightened her day, and your friendship and kindness will go a long way to aiding her recovery. I send my prayers for a speedy one.

  27. What a blessing to see her reaction! Thanks for sharing the photos. Did you ever get my email? You were my winner for the hexie blog hop but maybe your junk mail filter is as agressive as mine? My email is
    Beth @ Words & Stitches

  28. Karen: How wonderful you were able to share with this young lady.

  29. The photos certainly say it all :) such a kind gesture xx

  30. Bless her heart - she looks so pleased with her quilt - I pray she makes a complete recovery!!

  31. What a great kindness for you to make the quilt for her! It's a really fun one, too. And bless her - PT is no fun. I hope Life is kinder to her from here out.

  32. Karen, you are a most kindhearted soul. I am sure your beautiful handmade quilt will give her comfort at this difficult time. I do hope this lovely woman recovers quickly.

  33. You have given her something beautiful to hold onto as she recovers. I'm glad you were able to share her story with us and see for yourself that moment of joy.

  34. See the happy face of her when she is holding the quilt. Nice to hear that she is doing well.

  35. Karen, how amazing and what a gift to you both! I wish her continued healing of her body and spirit as well!

  36. It will be a long journey, the quilt will give her conmfort I am sure

  37. Healing wishes for your friend...for both the physical and emotional.
    A quilt is a wonderful gift.

  38. Wonderful to see the photos of the quilt being happily received! (Gosh I'm behind on my reading!) I hope she is continuing to make progress.

  39. Wow. Thanks for sharing this with us. So many times quilters make quilts to give away and we never hear back, so to read this has inspired me to keep making donation quilts. I hope that the young woman has a full recovery.

  40. She will treasure that quilt forever and the support and love from you will help :)

  41. Hope this young lady is going well. It has been a few years since the original post was posted and this is the first time I’ve seen it. Bless you for such lovely quilting. I have been searching for the cat quilt pattern and haven’t been able to actfind it. A friend has asked me to see if I could make it for her adopted daughter. In 2 months I am going to a quilt retreat and would like to get this pattern & make it for her while away, is there any chance you have this pattern and I could get it?

  42. Dear Unknown, Sadly, this young lady continues to struggle. I do have this pattern available to share with you, but you have not given me any contact information.


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen