
Friday, December 27, 2019

2020 Vision

I'm slipping in one more post before year's end.
I hope everyone had a wonderful, funderful holiday.

I managed to finish one final UFO
before migration began.

This pattern, B & W Quilt, is a free pattern download

I enjoyed FMQing this one!

Keeping it simple, after stitching in the ditch, 
I added one of my favorite motifs,
the Greek Key, in coordinating threads.
And, because I didn't want it to be too dense, 
that's all I did!

I love, love, love FMQing the Greek Key.
After several seasons of practicing, 
I have my favorite 'fall back' motifs to select from.
These are the designs I most like to stitch.
They are fun, they are fast, and they are very rewarding.

It's funny how fun for one isn't fun for another!
I have a quilty friend who loves to do loop d-loops,
and she's nailed them!
They are not, however, one of my favorites.

After almost 3 weeks of lovely visits 
with family and friends along the northeast coast,
I finally landed in Texas the week before Christmas.

The adventures have already begun!

Crafty Daughter made fast friends with this llama.
Here, they are sharing their Christmas Wish Lists with each other.

I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2020!
As the year suggests,
let's all approach the new year 
with 2020 vision!


  1. I can’t do a straight line to save my life. I’m a loopy girl. ��

  2. You are sure good at that Greek key! Love the llama photo! Belated merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of the year!!!

  3. Love the quilting. I need to get my head around that design.

  4. Your keys are great... repeat quilting is so effective... have a lovely time …

  5. Love your quilt Karen. I love stippling and. Have nailed that. I do other patterns but comfortable with stippling

  6. Wonderful quilt and your quilting is great too, you have that one perfected!! I am a loopy kind of quilter!! 😁😁 Good to hear you have had a fun and successful migration, great photo of Crafty daughter and the lame. Wishing y9u and very happy and healthy 2020.

  7. Hi Karen wow i love your quilt the colours are stunning you always do such beautiful work,your Greek Key FMQ is perfect,i love this quilt,well done my friend,and i hope you and your lovely family have a Happy and Safe New Year xx

  8. Hey!! Long time no comment! Love this quilt! The quilting looks difficult, and of course expertly done!

  9. Hi there, Karen! It's so good to see you posting again. Love that quilt you shared. I can't believe how similar it is to the vintage quilt top we found among my grandmother's things. I've actually been working on it... taking off one border to cut that fabric and add new fabric to make two borders (The quilt top had only three borders when I received it). Honestly though, the quilt top is so poorly constructed - a combination of hand piecing that looks like a basting stitch, and machine piecing - that I won't be able to FMQ it. Too many bubbles and pooches. So, my plan is to big stitch quilt it by hand with random cross-stitches and #8 pearl cotton. Will see how that goes. I do love your Greek key design though! It's really nice, and very effective. Good for you! Glad you're back in warmer climes now.

  10. Your greek key is lovely. I can do clouds, spirals, spirals with a hook, loops not too terrible, but man me and a straight line are not friends. Enjoy your wintercation.

  11. Congrats on a fun finish! Brights with b & w always look so sharp, as do your quilting choices. All the best as you ring in the new year!

  12. Don't think I could do the Greek Keys, I just meander or stitch the ditch.
    Have a great time with your DD in Texas....

  13. That was a great finish Karen - astunning quilt. Wishing you a very Happy 2020. Lin xx

  14. What a great quilt! Congrats on the finish.

  15. I like the Greek Key and can't stand loopy design. Glad you got to your daughter's for Xmas have a great couple of months visiting before you head back to your norther hide away

  16. Love the colour pops on the b&w. And your key motif makes me want to steal your idea! A fabulous quilt! Glad you are enjoying the warmer weather these days. I think of you every time it snows! ♥️

  17. Love your black and white quilt. The pops of colours are stunning. Enjoy the warm weather. It’s pretty nice here as it’s only a little below zero.

  18. Oh nice quilt Karen. I love the shades of grey and the pops of colour, I may just have to make this one, well, add it to the list anyway. I simply must have a catch up year. I haven’t heard of your Greek Key quilting pattern before, but it’s very effective and works well with the quilt design too. You must have an awful lot of different coloured threads!!!

  19. What a super quilt, Karen!! So bold and fun! I love the Greek Key quilting in all the different colors. Do you freehand it? That would be a real challenge for me! Maybe if I marked it all out, and that would take forever... Congrats on a wonderful finish and I hope you have safe and interesting travels this coming year :)

  20. I like the modern look of the quilts and the FMQ Greek key looks fab. Have a great winter!

  21. Fun quilting pattern Karen - It looks wonderful. Happy New Year to you and your daughter. Enjoy your time in Texas. :-)

  22. I love love love your FMQ on this lovely quilt. Who knew you could make even black and white so exciting :-) Wishing you lots of creativity, joy and peace in the new year. Please give my best to Kirsten :-)

  23. Your 2019 finishes are wonderful. I do not quilt or FMQ so I am always in awe of your skills. Crafty Daughter and the Llama are deep in conversation...very cute photo. 2020 Vision is certainly needed in this world of ours. May you and your family have Great Blessings in 2020.

  24. Happy Merry to you, Karen! Glad you made the trip safely. You know I'm partial to quilts with black/white boxes -- a nice finish for you. Enjoy the season!

  25. Your quilt looks great and the choice of quilting is perfect. Love the look you have created!

  26. Love the quilt and your quilting.I think the coordinating threads are so fun. I am not familiar with Greek Key quilting but this is amazing. Looking forward to seeing all the great things you do and share in 2020. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that this New Year will bring great blessings and Joy to your life.

  27. It looks great. Send warm weather!!! Hope to see you next month in Austin.

  28. Your quilt is beautiful and I love that quilting. I'm still a beginner with the FMQ thing and just do some roaming around stitches. For now it's working for me. I'm looking forward to your sewing greatness in 2020! xo

  29. That looks like a fun quilt to sew and to quilt! I hope that you and your family have a healthy and happy new year.

    Happy sewing,


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen