
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quilt Guilt?

The forecast calls for more rain the next four days.

Since Hurricane Earl passed through, our late summer/early fall weather has been unseasonably disappointing.  What few days that the weather has been merely passable have been spent mowing the lawn, splitting and stacking wood for the winter, and putting the gardens to bed.  There has been no hiking or paddling going on.

The not so nice days?  Well, let me tell you - I've been sewing.  I guess you could say that I've been in a sewing frenzy this year, trying every new idea that comes into my head and every pattern I come across.  I've been stitching (embroidering) and appliqueing, piecing and quilting, making quilt tops and handbags. 

Yesterday, The Ranger looked at me and asked, in all seriousness, "Do you ever suffer 'Quilt Guilt'?"  Now there is some serious food for thought. 

My first response was, "No, I've paid my dues, and now I can do as I please, guilt-free."

Not long after, I was sitting at my machine, sewing on a quilt, looking out the sliding glass door as I worked, and I just had to jump up and take a picture of these two doves taking advantage of the birdbath.

This, my friends, is 'Quilt Guilt'.....

A half filled birdbath highlighted with green scum.
I am SO embarrassed to confess that, yes, this is mine.
(Rest assured, as soon as I looked at this photo,
my bird friends had a clean dish!)

This is why.

These are just a few of the projects that I managed to finish
inbetween jumping from one Work-In-Progress to another.
(And starting yet another!)


  1. No guilt, no guilt! Love the little mat under your machine. And that 16 patch, what is that for?

  2. Woot! Woot! And all in my favorite colors: earth, sky, grass and butterfly.

  3. How dare he suggest you feel guilt? LOL You've earned this time so enjoy it! And from the pictures I can tell you are enjoying every minute. I love all your projects, especially the bag with the butterfly. I still want to make up the one with the blocks. Now I see why we haven't heard from you for a while. Have fun sewing and share more pictures. It motivates me to get busy! Nola

  4. Quilt guilt? Oh sweetie - I think we should erase the word 'guilt' from the dictionary!!! What fabulous projects!!! You have put your time to a good cause - and enjoyed it along the way - that's what life is all about!!!
    Lots of love Karen!!!
    Vikki xoxo

  5. LOVE the bags! You've been busy :)

  6. Karen,

    The September weather over here has been very poor by previous years, I am due to do an Autumn bird count on Sunday and the forcast is for rain all day.

    Lovely post Karen.

  7. What fun projects! Cannot pick a favorite because I love them all.

    Hubby may "think" I "should" feel quilt - but NO - NEVER !!!

  8. Oh...Quilt Guilt....hummmm I guess I should have that too.

  9. Karen: We are having rainy conditions also. Now, I have to go out and feed the birds. You made me sorry for my failure to feed.

  10. Why should we suffer quilt guilt? I don't know.
    Great photo of the doves. I have a lot around here.
    YOu have been very busy with some lovely projects.
    I always enjoy having stop by my blog. Hope you are getting some sunshine.

  11. Love your projects!! You've been a busy little seamstress, and should feel no guild as you have churned out some very useful and lovely things. =)

  12. Glad to have run across your blog from the Nature Blogs Network....As Wildlife Biologists, we just joined our blog to the network as well :) Loving your photography and looking forward to following your adventures...hopefully you can get out of the quilt guilt mode soon!


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen