
Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

Egypt Falls
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

It has been my pleasure to visit blogs of every color,
from birds and nature,
to quilts and crafts,
to poetry and photography.

I've made some special friends along this journey.

I have been inspired and motivated by each and every one.
Perhaps that's why I've been too distracted to post on my own blog!

Happy New Year to you all,
and a great big heartfelt thanks
for being a part of my life.


  1. And, a very Happy New Year to you, too. We've enjoyed your blog and getting to know you, too.

  2. I love your little corner of the world. Happy New Year to you, my friend!

  3. I wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2012.

  4. right back at you, dearie! i hope to hear and see more from you in 2012!

  5. ... and it is wonderful having you stop by for a visit...
    what a striking picture this is...
    happy New Year

  6. Mother Nature is an amazing woman. I enjoy your photos and bits of information. You have a terrific relationship with your camera and nature. Happy New Year to you!!!

  7. Thank you for visiting us! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. Hi Karen,

    Your blog has been an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for sharing your part of the World with us. I am really pleased to count you as a very special friend. I wish you a very Happy New Year and hope it brings you peace and happiness and amazing Wildlife viewing.

  9. Happy New Year to you. You just be distracted as much as you want. We know you will be back with some interesting things later.

  10. I'm one of the fortunate people whose blog(s) you have read and commented on. I very much appreciate YOU, Karen! Have a very peaceful New Year's celebration and a blessed 2012.

  11. Happy New Year to you, Karen! I enjoy all your posts and comments. Hoping to see you here in South Texas this year!

  12. I have not followed your blog for very long but I like to hear about your corner of the world. All the best for 2012!

  13. A very Happy and Healthy 2012 to you and your family...Michelle

  14. Beautiful Blog...I like your photos..Happy New Year 2012 to you .

  15. Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I can relate to that! So happy I found your beautiful blog. Wishing you a healthy, happy 2012!

  17. Happy New Year to you Karen, I have loved seeing through your eyes the beautiful country you live in....and so happy for our friendship...Hugs O'faigh

  18. ...such a beautiful post. You're so nice!! Happy New Year to you too! :-)

  19. Karen: It is great to have friends visit your blog. I always enjoy your views of nature. Happy New Years to you and your family.

  20. Happy New Year to you too. I understand that side of blogging.


Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving a comment. It means so much to me to know you were here! Have a great day! ~karen