
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Scrap-a-holics Unite

I interrupt this nature blog
to introduce a month of fun, scrappy quilt projects
sponsored by

It's already begun,
so hurry over to Jodi's site
and catch up!
There's something for everyone
every day of the week!

2012 Sew Scraps Along 150


  1. Hello answer your question you left in my comments yesterday - personally, I think you'd most likely enjoy parking your travel trailer either in the town of Rockport [a wonderful fishing village filled with some fantastic sights and maritime museum] OR Port Aransas [closer to Corpus Christi than Rockport]...some great birding places to visit and walk ---or just ALL beach if you'd prefer. Port "A" is about a 20 minute drive from Corpus and on Mustang Island. Rockport is a coastal town about 30 miles or so from Corpus.

  2. Isn't it just lovely, what Jodi started! She already inspired me with those stamp quilts/blocks.

  3. I'm all about scrappy so this is for me! Happy New Year!

  4. So, are you headed south again? (I just read Anni's comment.)
    Good luck with the getting there, and the getting back, and have fun in between.
    I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you!

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. I was ironing some scraps yesterday so that I could start cutting. I have a bag full. Have fun.

  6. Thanks for the link. I'd better go have a look. I'm still trying to catch up.

  7. Do I dare go there? Can't hurt to check it out! You know me always good for one more project. Thanks for the link. Nola

  8. Hello Karen, thankyou for the link will check it our...Hugs O'faigh


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