
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Deep in the Heart of Texas

It is with great delight that I have returned
to TX to spend time with my daughter
and escape the ravages of a northeast winter.

Sadly, land surrounding the cities
is being eaten up by cement,
like oozing molten lava.

But there are still pretty country scenes,
typical Texas-style.

This gorgeous property is for sale, soon to be swallowed up
 by encroaching development.

This scene brings back memories of my childhood,
traveling the state by car, to visit all the relatives.
It's a big state.  We spent a lot of time in the car!

So much has changed throughout the course of my lifetime.
I'm not a proponent of developement. 
Some of it seems so senseless.
How many shopping strips/malls
with the same stores
need to be built?

How many drugstores should a smaller community host?
The 4th Walgreens has just been built in this community,
and that doesn't take into consideration all the others
that are available within the city limits.
Heaven forbid someone might have to drive 10 whole minutes
to get to the drug store.

And while I'm venting a little,
I think they should build a solid wall of doors
around the perimeter of the stores,
so everyone can park closely
and not have to walk more than a few steps.

(Blogger is not cooperating this morning,
and 2 pictures are all I have the patience
to try to include.)


  1. although i'm not big on development of the small towns, i do wish we'd get a walmart and a whataburger that was closer than 25 miles away in any direction! :)

    that 2nd shot is gorgeous!!!

  2. Beautiful images. I like your "oldish" look on both of them.

  3. I agree..we have more drug stores than ever ...have a great time in Texas....

  4. TexWisGirl, I think you are blessed because there isn't.

    Kjell, thanks!

    Michelle, I always do, thank you!

  5. Hi out of town did you
    I know what you mean about the countless numbers of stores whole strip mall will go vacant, but they have to build another, which doesn't make a lot of since!!
    Love the photos and the tone to them, scenes that the next generation will not see!!


  6. The sepia tones are perfect for the Texas landscape. I, too, spent lots of time in a car to go see relatives in Texas--Dad's family. It saddens me to see Ohio farm land swallowed up to become McMansion properties, one on top of the other. Families don't want to take over the family farm so they sell without considering the consequences. Maybe they don't care.

  7. It's horrible, they are moving into everywhere. But, it is called for more pictures that can move them away. Like your photos, tremendous.

  8. those are striking pictures... it is so hard to see nature destroyed.. so the rich can get richer...

  9. Excellent post and lovely photos. I share your thoughts on development.

  10. What pretty pictures you did put up. I'm sorry that landscape will change so dramatically. Doesn't it make you wonder if these developers have ethics? Especially when there are empty storefronts and empty strip malls everywhere! It's sad.

  11. Sometimes I just don't like "progress." And I agree with your reply to TexWisGirl...please, no more Wally Worlds or fast food places! The closest ones to me are 30 miles and that's just fine :)

  12. Karen: Showing these in B&W certainly gives it a old time feel.

  13. I like the pictures you posted. Doing them in sepia certainly gives them a nostalgic feeling. I had to laugh about the Walgreens. Reminds me of my area...many duplicate businesses and several empty shops in a strip mall. Too much for a small town. Nola

  14. I read a line in a novel a long time ago that applied specifically to sheep in Australia, but it has applications much more broad:
    We have contempt for that of which we have too much". I've especially noticed in eastern Colorado, that with all of their empty space, they are not at all good stewards of the land. Their giant, sprawling airport is now, in ten years time, completely surrounded by sprawling housing developments and the accompanying big box stores, all connected by more pavement and more miles to drive to work.
    Here in the Seattle area we have tried to protect farm land, and then run into claims of land "taking". What, I can't do what I want to with my own land? But I was planning to sell it to a developer when I retire. And on and on.
    And I do remember when a town had, and needed only ONE drugstore.

  15. Hello Karen, thankyou for the two much for progress...we live semi rural....behind us they are currently building another 750 homes...we have no infastructure to cope with this...and travel 20km to the main town centre...hugs O'faigh

  16. The way beautiful land is swallowed up by development is quite distressing. In England land is precious so care not greed is needed where land grab is concerned. Lovely photos just how I imagine Texas in the old days would be.

  17. Great photos.
    I just saw on our news channel some developer wants to buy 14 homes to put in a big grocery store.
    Let people live in peace. It really can be ridiculous how many of the same store go up so close together.

  18. I also bemoan the endless development! So sorry to hear this!


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