
Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Splash of Splendor...

...against a clear blue sky.
Quercus spp.
As a northeasterner, when I think of an evergreen,
I think of pine, spruce, and fir trees.
But here in Texas,
they have Live Oak trees.

And they are beautiful.

I saw this quote on the header of a wonderful blog,
In the Sonoran Sun, which I visited today.

Perhaps because I'm here,
exposed to the interminable sprawl of a cement city,
a landscape I'm so unfamiliar with,
this quote really spoke to me.

There are some who can live without wild things
and some who cannot.”
                                  Aldo Leopold

        "Considered by many as the father of wildlife management 
and of the United States’ wilderness system,
Aldo Leopold was a conservationist, forester,
philosopher, educator, writer, and outdoor enthusiast."


  1. Yes, I need "wild things", or natural things.
    This tree reminds me of the spreading oaks I grew up with in the fields of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Lovely.

  2. That is one impressive tree, and I am one of those who cannot live without nature.

  3. HI Karen...Lovely tree, but give me the dirt under my feet and trees above my head ...

  4. Live oaks are one of the few things I miss since leaving Texas, but I'm much closer to wild things here in the Ozarks. (One could find "wild things" in Houston, but I doubt those were what Leopold had in mind.)

  5. I think your wild oak is magnificent and your quote speaks to me too.

  6. I love the tree. We had 10 acres in Texas, my husband spent alot of time clearing around this beautiful oak tree....simply gorgeous, thanks for this.

  7. Thankyou for getting back to me - I called in at this blog too and like you the quote spoke volumes, I desperately need the natural world around me and it is often that which comes out in my creative work.... catch you later.

  8. Thankyou for getting back to me - I called in at this blog too and like you the quote spoke volumes, I desperately need the natural world around me and it is often that which comes out in my creative work.... catch you later.

  9. Great photo.
    I can not live without nature. No big cities for me.

  10. That is one beautiful tree. Thanks for sharing. Nola

  11. Beautiful tree and no of both worlds...

  12. Love the Texan Oak trees - magnificent! Brings back memories of our time in San Antonio and Houston.

  13. Wild environment is so important to us whether it is just visiting or something much more.Oaks are so perfect the most beautiful tree and this one is a delightful specimen. Thanks for the picture.

  14. There is nothing like an old Live oak. and That's what I like about the south.

  15. A most glorious Live Oak Tree! So very grand. We currently live in Chicago but are in the process of building a permanent residence out in the country. I can't wait to be living amid nature and all its beauty! Lovely photograph!

  16. I'm in love with your Oak tree, it is tremendous.

  17. I love trees and I could see myself sitting on a branch in an oak tree while typing my manuscript.

  18. Thanks so much for the mention in your blog! I'm happy you like the quote. Aldo Leopold was an amazing guy, and I recommend reading "A Sand County Almanac" Have a beautiful, "wild" day!


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