I love it when people "get me".
The Ranger says that if I was an Indian Princess,
my name would be Dances With Butterflies.
He claims that I am childish like a child.
Me: "I really need to focus and get this done.
Oh, look, a butterfly!"
And off I go, task forgotten.
That said, NO, I didn't meet my September goal for
Sew Bitter Sweet Design's "A Lovely Year of Finishes".
There were just too many distractions.
But you can click HERE to see who did!
Speaking of dancing with butterflies,
I had the opportunity to see
Leah Day's Dancing Butterfly quilt up close and personal.
Well, it wasn't HERS, but it was made during her quilt along
by a very talented Maritimes Modern Quilt Guild member.
I wish I had a better picture to show you,
as it was absolutely stunning.
Now I want to make one, too!
Leah does an incredible job walking you through FMQing each block.
Leah does an incredible job walking you through FMQing each block.
Add it to the list!!
No wonder I'm so overwhelmed!
I am a Virgo.
And true to my sign, I am a perfectionist.
I like a clean, professional finish to my projects.
Whenever I am making something that needs to be
turned right side out and topstitched or handstitched closed,
I always add an extra 1/4" to that seam allowance
to give me something to work neatly with
with no fuss.
Today I am linking up to
Have a great day.
Take a moment to seek your inner child.
XO, Karen
No wonder I'm so overwhelmed!
I am a Virgo.
And true to my sign, I am a perfectionist.
I like a clean, professional finish to my projects.
Whenever I am making something that needs to be
turned right side out and topstitched or handstitched closed,
I always add an extra 1/4" to that seam allowance
to give me something to work neatly with
with no fuss.
Today I am linking up to

Have a great day.
Take a moment to seek your inner child.
XO, Karen