Another glorious summer day has dawned
here on Cape Breton Island.
We certainly are being rewarded for waiting so long
for it's appearance!
This past Saturday, the NSQBQ (minus one)
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(Karen, Lesley, Linda) |
was on the road again;
this time, their yearly trek to Pictou, NS for the
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(Click picture to enlarge) |
annual quilt show.
Sadly, Sheila of Sheila's Quilt World
was unable to join us this year
and we really missed her.
I love this guild's wall hanging.
The lighthouse is shining right down onto Pictou
on the applique of Nova Scotia mainland.
See Cape Breton Island at the upper right?
And that small land mass in the center is Prince Edward Island.
The red plaid applique on the left is New Brunswick.
This quilt shows the maritimes
appliqued in the different tartans that represent each province.
Extremely clever!
I like clever.
Seemsas though we liked, and photographed, the same quilts,
so I defer you to The Scrapmaster, aka Linda,
and Lesley, The Cuddle Quilter
to see all the quilter's eye candy
on display at the show.
Lesley and Linda brought two beautiful quilted creations to
photograph against the harbor scene at Pictou,
but the wind had other ideas!
See how 'straight out' those flags to the left are flying?
I'm surprised the girls weren't launched skyward!
That's sure a funny image in my mind's eye!
Making memories!
We certainly had fun.
In my last post,
I showed you a picture of Ruddy Turnstones
and gave you a little information
about them.
Yesterday, I was paddling in a more sheltered location,
and came across more!
I thought you might like to see one closer up.
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Click on picture to enlarge. |
Check out those bright orange legs!
From a distance, it's head blended right into the rocks.
I kept waiting for him to turn around,
but he was actually staying really, really still
hoping I couldn't see him at all!
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Click on picture to enlarge. |
The Ruddy Turnstone is so named
because it is best know for its habit of inserting its bill
under stones, shells, etc., and flipping them over to find food underneath.
The other migrating shorebirds we saw
weren't as obliging as this little guy.
Ahhh, sweet summer!
Hope you are enjoying yours!
I love seeing your quilts blowing in the wind - I saw some of these photos on one of the other ladies blog and thought I might see them here eventually too - glad you got to meet up with your friends.
How fun getting together annually. Sheila would have missed you all. I just love the windy picture... looks perfect for quilts... What a wonderful little bird, that feather placement is gorgeous...
Hi Karen what a fun trip for you all,what a shame Sheila couldnt make it,those quilts are lovely and ,boy the wind looks very strong xx
It was such a great day! The wind made it a little extra special!
I love the Turnstone, beautiful. And the blankets, fantastic Karen.
That's a happy trio of quilters for sure!
Great bird photos. The Ruddy Turnstone is coloured like a calico cat.
Hi Karen - I have enjoyed seeing all the pictures of the show. There were some real beauties. The Guild banner is very interesting and good to learn a little about the layout of the maritimes. Gorgeous little bird picture. xx
A great summer day with great friends! I love the guild's banner too. Yes, very clever.
What a fun reunion! Laughed so hard at the others trying to get photos of their quilts in that wind!!! Been there, done that LOL!!! And somehow I am wishing God had seen fit to give me something as fabulous as those bright orange legs!!!
The bird is gorgeous! Thanks for the close-up. I liked that banner, too, and thanks for identifying places on it for me. I'm so glad you three, at least, got to get together and do the show. I do think there's fun to be had with best friends at a show.
The Northumberland guild did make a rather clever banner , love their use of the tartans . We are a proud bunch and love our tartans 😊 I just love the photo of Lesley and a Linda with their quilts blowing in the wind , I probably would have ended up in the Strait . Love the show bird , really cool camouflage, nature is amazing isn't it .
That quilt show sounds like a whole lot of fun! The paddling sounds so peaceful and thanks for sharing your wonderful birding photos with us.
I am so glad you are enjoying summer finally. Whoa! the wind is really blowing those quilts. Good thing they were holding on tight.
So good to see that you ladies had another get-together. I heard the wind was quite something. Maybe we'll see you at another meeting this fall.
Love the use of the plaids in the guild wall hanging. Clever. I'm imagining headlines "Quilters take flight out to sea with quilt kites." LOL As always your bird photos are amazing.
Look at all the fun you gals are having!
Sounds like a wonderful day with friends and quilts and making memories. Those quilts are lovely and they really do look like they could be sails and take off in that wind. What a beautiful little bird who let you photograph him. Summer is my favorite season. Sunshine Smiles...
Looks like a great trip , love how the flags are flying !
Hey, Karen. That's a fascinating bird you posted on. I've never seen any bird like that in Utah and that would've been one of the birds to be added to my Bird Study merit badge in Boy Scouts. It's really nice that you've been so much of an explorer wherever you are. You would be like Dora the Explorer, but you might be Karen the Expeditioner! :)
Such lovely ladies in that fun to see you with Lesley! Great windy quilt photos and that bird is so unusual.
More loveliness for us to enjoy in the handiwork of these talented ladies! I love that map quilt what a great idea....
And a dandy turnstone shot!! I know you get tired of our belly aching about the hot weather while you wait and wait for it.
So glad you were able to meet up with three of your friends and spend some fun time together. The quilts look great and I'm so glad they didn't blow away. I really like the quilt guilds quilt/banner with the lighthouse. Thanks for the up close pictures of the Ruddy Turnstones. Love the orange legs! Nola
It is adorable to see the ladies trying to hold the quilts in the wind. Guess, they should have brought flagpoles :-D Oh, I also noticed that on the right bottom of that picture, it say 2106. You were trying to say 2016, isn't it? I review reports for a living and cannot turn it off. My summer has been hot but very eventful!!! Some of it was good, other kinda meh!!!
Thanks for sharing the links to the blogs with the quilt show. I tend to get overwhelmed going to real quilt shows (Stendhal or Florence Syndrome?), so I really enjoy going to virtual quilt shows. I love the picture of the billowing quilts. I'm glad your friends didn't get blown out to sea!
Looks like a very fun day - love that quilt, I have a friend who lives on Prince Edward Island, someday I'll get there! Love the pic of the gals holding their quilts in the breeze. Your pics of that bird are AMAZING.
How FUN! Love the photo of trying to take photos in the wind... been there, had fun doing it!
It's so good to see a photo of you, looking like the picture of health! I can imagine how tough it was to get good photos of those quilts, but both of them look like great designs. I'm a fan of the Quick Curve Ruler, and the quilt made with that is especially nice. It's also good to know you're paddling about this summer, and seeing the local wildlife. Such an interesting bird. Continue to enjoy yourself! Before you know it, you'll be heading south again.
It is so beautiful where you live. I had never seen a Ruddy Turnstone before Karen, What a fun and descriptive name.
You and Linda and Leslie look like you had a marvelous time together!
I've found myself saying several times this past week what a glorious and hot summer it's been here. We've finally had some good dumps of rain, much-needed, so everything is so lush. Who says brown is ugly though when you look at that Ruddy Turnstone?! Beautiful. Love the windy quilt pics and LOVE the guild's quilt...okay shouldn't write this down, but I AM Canadian, and I did NOT know that A. Cape Breton was to the east of NS (thought it to the south) and B. that it is bigger than PEI?? Love the tartans they used too.
Beautiful finishes, Karen! Just LOVE the repeat quilt!
It looks like you girls had a fun time together - and I love the photo of the windy quilts :-) Great to hear you are having a lovely summer, and are getting out and seeing some sights - like the Turnstone, what a lovely bird. We had a beautiful spring day yesterday and have woken to the rain this morning.
I'm so glad you stopped by my blog, so I could find yours! I love all your bird photos. One of the great joys of living on our boat is seeing so many different birds, but I'm no good at photographing them. The Ruddy Turnstone is such a beauty! I just visited the Cornell Ornithology site to listen to its call. That got the cat's attention, ha!
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