Already, we're a week into the new year! My, how time flies when you’re having fun. Happy New Year everybody! I’m 'sew' inspired from reading the many year end/new year posts, I haven't been able to stop sewing long enough to write a post of my own!
First up is a Dog Gone Cute block update! I’ve been working diligently, and am confident I’ll make my self imposed deadline to have everything completed and delivered by midFebruary. I can’t tell you what a pleasure it’s been working with all of your blocks! I’ve pieced group quilts together before and have never had every single block be so perfect! Thank you all! Pictures will definitely follow in a future post.
Next, I’m excited to tell you that I am participating in a blog hop next month, and I hope to see you there! In between working with all those cute pups, I’ve been stitching away on my project, and the more it grows, the more excited I become. My day is scheduled for Feb. 8, so be sure to pop in for a visit!
This post wouldn’t be complete without talking about some goals for the new year, except I don’t really have any. But I do have some plans I hope to follow through with during the year. I always pack my largest piece of luggage with fabric and needed notions for my summer sewing season up on the island. This year will be no different, except instead of buying random fabric just because I like it, I’m going to choose three to five patterns I’ve either purchased or won, and kit them up. It will be novel to have everything I need at my fingertips.
Finally, I’m determined to use my scraps as I generate them this year, instead of letting them build up to overflowing, which leads me to my New Year's Challenge: Consider the Children.
Quilters are the first to respond with compassion to the catastrophic events that occur over and over again. But what about the silent sufferers? Those victims we hear little to nothing about? The children. The children who are exposed to crime, domestic violence, abuse, fires.......the children who are removed from a scene by the police for their safety, the children who don't have a voice in the media.
My plan is to make as many Owlivia pillows as I can, from my scraps, to donate to my police department, for them to have on hand, to give to children for comfort when they are frightened and need something to hug.

I have made several of these easy, sweet pillows in the past, many as gifts for family and friends, which I've coupled with storybooks about owls. I've even enlarged the pattern and made bigger ones. A few years back, I donated a box of them for my local RCMP department to distribute among their cruisers to have on hand for such occurrences as mentioned above.
They are no bigger than an 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper, and each one has it's own personality. And did I mention, easy? With all of the bright, bold, colorful fabrics being marketed today, the possibilities are endless.
Dare I challenge you to consider doing the same, or something similar? Do you belong to a group that's looking for a year long project? Can you spread a little love and give an innocent, frightened child a perpetual hug to help navigate through a difficult situation? Will you Consider the Children, too, when generating scraps from your quilty projects?
I'm looking forward to a wonderful, funderful new year!
I hope you are, too!
I love putting my own kits together, it makes doing a project so much easier when I go to start it. I love the idea of the owl pillows.
You are awesome, Karen!! I love the owl idea...a small town with a local police station give a QUILT to every victim of an accident in their township! I got a patient with a quilt the other accident victim, and she told me the story. The owls are doable for me!
Hi Karen what a wonderful idea you have such a kind heart my friend,hope you have a lovely day xx
Another wonderful idea...and I could see myself cuddling up with a cute owl like that one. SUCH A worthy cause. I will look forward to your blog hop! HUGS and Happy New Yrs to you.
Kits are THE way to get things done, in my sewing world! When I'm puttering around and feel like working on something but can't make up my mind - I can grab a kit from the mini blue box I keep in the dungeon for that purpose, and I can get right to work. It's a decision in a Ziploc, lol!
The vast majority of my sewing gets donated - I love finding fun new tutorials for goodies for kids!
You have such a big, loving heart, Karen :) Of course we'll be here for your blog hop - wouldn't miss it for anything. Sew on! xxx
Can't wait to see all the Dog Gone Cute. Please send sun and warmth....we're freezing here!!!
Wonderful idea and cause for the owl pillows, plus they look like they will be such fun to sew together!
What a wonderful idea!!! As always, you inspire me to higher things my friend :). I’m definitely bringing this up for discussion at my next guild meeting. Our group is very charity minded, and I think our ladies would love making these owls!
Wow! This is such a thoughtful idea. Very sweet of you! I'm glad you're already thinking about your return trip to the island :) Right now I hear there isn't any snow there. On the other side of the province though we are buried under snow! I can't wait to see what kits you're going to decide on :)
Karen, you have such a loving heart. I admire that. So far, all of my quilts that are on the top of my list are gifts for someone and I am hoping I can get through those and am able to do some charity gifting as well! Can't wait to see your blog hop project!
You are so compassionate, Karen! I admire you for always giving... the Dog Gone Cute quilt, and now Owilvia. While I can't promise anything, I will sure keep this owl pillow project in mind. It's such a worthy effort, especially when accompanied by a book, as you've done. Wonderful! Do you have a book title recommendation?
Best wishes to you in this new year. My goals are to continue sewing from my stash, and not buy ANY fabric. My only "unless" is if some is needed to complete a project, or if a guild challenge arises and a particular fabric must be used. Happy to say that I've gone seven days without making a purchase! :-0
Great cause for your scraps... and an excellent way to not gather the pieces... I love having 'kits' made up ready to start when the mood strikes... glad the puppies are all coming together well....
Great idea to make kits for your summer vacation. I must remember that myself. And I love the owl pillows. I will have to try that. Plus I know several good books about owls. Thanks.
Karen your generous and loving heart is going to be very busy this year. Owldorable pillows and such a worthy cause. Keeping your projects all together and ready is a really great idea. Blessings for 2018 dear...<3
Can't wait to see those cute pups. And also can't wait to see what you are sharing on your blog hop day. You put such love into everything you make.
Blog Hop? Hmmmm... I am intrigued. What are you up to Karen? That Frolic pillow is supercute. I am sure you cannot stop at just one. I am working on the Perkiomen Valley Blocks for the Ventura Quilt Guild's call for quilts for those affected by the Thomas Fire.
Owlivia is certainly a very cute critter... just imagine all the variations you can make with your scraps!
Happy 2018!
What a wonderful idea to do the kits and an even better one to make the pillows ! Our guild makes bags and quilts for that purpose.
Those owls are adorable, you have some lofty goals....
Great idea to put together some kits. Won't you have fun! Looking forward to seeing the pups quilt, and a great idea for the owlpillows! Happy New Year!
A beginning to a new year and you have lots of wonderful goals. I look forward to the blog hop and see what you have created. The owl project is an awesome goal. The Owls will bring comfort to many.
Your owl stuffy for kids idea is great. I'll have to check and see what is needed here locally. Have a wonderful year!
It's a lovely idea to make the owls Karen, and so like you to think of it. It's a great idea to buy fabric with a pattern in mind, saves having all that fabric which doesn't quite go with anything else. I will look forward to your blog hop post.
Cannot WAIT (but I have to...) to see the Dog Gone cute quilts! I have not heard of the owl stuffies but you can be sure as soon as I finish my comment I'll be clicking on over. Children. Yes, silent sufferers for sure, and my heart breaks at how their plight has been a little more out there: the photo of the child, drowned on the shore, result of human smuggling illegal immigrants, the little girl's tweets from Aleppo, Syria, and so on. Thank you for bringing these causes to the fore of our minds.
What a generous and kind hearted person you are Karen, love the owls idea. One of the groups I belong to are making quilts for a group of children who have suffered abuse in various ways, they are going on a camp in July, so will be given a quilt each, our aim is to make a bag for each quilt to be carried home in.
Looking forward to your blog hop post and to the dog quilts...sounds like you are going well with them. Good idea to put together the kits, no chance of running our of what you need then.
You've inspired me! Our guild used to make quilts for our Sheriff's Dept to carry in their cruisers for just the reasons you mentioned. The quilt had to fit in a 2 gallon Ziplock bag. The guild has moved on to other charities, but I've always liked this one, and I think I'll continue giving! Thanks for the reminder. And I love making fun things with scraps.
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