Thank you so much for visiting my blog during the
Creating A Quilted Legacy Blog Hop.
Creating A Quilted Legacy Blog Hop.

It took me a long time to respond to everyone's comments,
and there are still a few that have been buried in my emails,
so I apologize If you have not heard from me.
so I apologize If you have not heard from me.
After all the comments were tallied, my 'behind the scenes' assignment
was to use the Random Number Generator
to select the winners of the giveaways.
Congratulations to everyone who won a prize!
All winners have been notified and almost everyone
has responded, but, if after a reasonable amount of time,
a winner has not made contact,
that prize will be reassigned.
I read a most inspiring post the other morning
by Tish of The Madd Quilter,
Tish's Adventures in Wonderland
that I’d like to share with all FMQers.
I’ve practiced FMQ a lot on my Janome Horizon 8200,
and I mean A LOT!
And I’ve become very confident.
However, I don’t always know how to quilt every top,
and I sometimes get discouraged.
This post is a must read for inspiration and motivation.

Just look at that beautiful quilting job!
Click on the picture for a closer look-see.
(I've borrowed this picture from Tish, but didn't ask
for permission, so THANKS, Tish!)
My own 'shelter-in-place' sewing has been
inspired by Amy Sinibaldi's 2018 Aurifil BOM block,
Roman Square.
All winners have been notified and almost everyone
has responded, but, if after a reasonable amount of time,
a winner has not made contact,
that prize will be reassigned.
I read a most inspiring post the other morning
by Tish of The Madd Quilter,
Tish's Adventures in Wonderland
that I’d like to share with all FMQers.
I’ve practiced FMQ a lot on my Janome Horizon 8200,
and I mean A LOT!
And I’ve become very confident.
However, I don’t always know how to quilt every top,
and I sometimes get discouraged.
This post is a must read for inspiration and motivation.
Just look at that beautiful quilting job!
Click on the picture for a closer look-see.
(I've borrowed this picture from Tish, but didn't ask
for permission, so THANKS, Tish!)
My own 'shelter-in-place' sewing has been
inspired by Amy Sinibaldi's 2018 Aurifil BOM block,
Roman Square.
Taking photos for my blog is the bain of my existence
and is probably why I blog so infrequently.
I will try harder when I have all of my blocks
sewn together into a flimsy!
I am sewing rows together right now.
Intrigued by this block the very first time I saw it,
I knew this was the one when I needed to make a quilt
with a whisper of sophistication.
I enjoyed making it so much,
I just kept piecing until I had 20 blocks.
If you aren't familiar, Amy Sinibaldi blogs at NanaCompany,
and if you ever have the time,
take a lovely scroll through her delightful posts.
I'd like to personally thank Amy for having the vision
to create such a striking block.
And the fabrics she designs give me pause,
and if I had a larger fabric budget,
I'd own them all!
Oh, oh. oh! One last thing!
I thought it would be fun to have an
unannounced follow-up give away with this post.
Up for grabs is a Retractable Scissors Fob
from my daughter's Etsy shop,
Gardenia Drive.
As the country opens up,
please make wise choices, be safe,
and stay well.
and is probably why I blog so infrequently.
I will try harder when I have all of my blocks
sewn together into a flimsy!
I am sewing rows together right now.
Intrigued by this block the very first time I saw it,
I knew this was the one when I needed to make a quilt
with a whisper of sophistication.
I enjoyed making it so much,
I just kept piecing until I had 20 blocks.
If you aren't familiar, Amy Sinibaldi blogs at NanaCompany,
and if you ever have the time,
take a lovely scroll through her delightful posts.
I'd like to personally thank Amy for having the vision
to create such a striking block.
And the fabrics she designs give me pause,
and if I had a larger fabric budget,
I'd own them all!
Oh, oh. oh! One last thing!
I thought it would be fun to have an
unannounced follow-up give away with this post.
Up for grabs is a Retractable Scissors Fob
from my daughter's Etsy shop,
Gardenia Drive.
I find one of these fobs especially useful
when I am doing FMQ at my Janome
because there is very little table space surrounding the machine
and manipulating a quilt knocks everything of onto the floor.
Any comment is eligible
As the country opens up,
please make wise choices, be safe,
and stay well.