
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

In March of last year, I went on a birding trip to Reid State Park along the Maine coastline.  While basking  in the warm sunshine after devouring our picnic lunch, watching a raft of mergansers negotiate the waves while feeding, this little fellow (I know, it's not a bird!) decided to join us for a tasty treat. 

Undaunted by our nearby presence, he continued to munch down on his little pine cone,

 and munch and munch and munch,

Until he had finally stripped it clean.


Visit other Camera Critters HERE!


Michael said...

Lovely squirrel pics thanks for sharing.

??? said...

And that is why you should always bring a big bird guide book (well, and a towel of course). Love the squirrel pics, too.

eileeninmd said...

Great set of photos, I love the last squirrel shot!

Niesz Vintage Home said... cute!
Love your blog header picture, too!
Very pretty.

Kimberly :-)

KaHolly said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone. I'm not sure that last squirrel would appreciate being included!

Thanx, Kimberly. Finally got around to playing with the layout and learning a thing or two more than the basics.

i beati said...

adorable photo sandy

Diane AZ said...

Fun post, I love to watch squirrels. In my area we only see ground squirrels.

Anonymous said...

Does your Sis know you took that photo? And put it on your blog?????

Kim, USA said...

I think the squirrel beat you hehehe! Happy weekend!

My jiggly critter

Lisa said...

What a little sweetie!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Karen: I think the little Red Squirrel is one of my favorites, hope Sis doesn't get mad at you.

KaHolly said...

(SSSHhhhhhhh, we won't tell her!)


Such a cute photostory!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What a little cutie!

ellen said...

What a great entry you have. Hope you have a nice weekend. God Bless!

martha miller said...

way too cute! we had a *pet* squirrel at our apartment in portland...

Heather said...

Eating that cone like corn on the cob! Wow, Holly really is tuckered out - poor thing. But nothing like a nap in the sun!

readingsully2 said...

Great shots....such fun.

Love your wildlife shots. :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love squirrels of all kinds, but this one is cuter than average. That's saying a lot for a squirrel.

Marvin said...

The Red Squirrel is definitely a dose of cute.

John said...

Cracking photos of the Squirrel enjoying his lunch while enjoying the view. As for your little sis...well, that is normally me after a few pints, after a long day's birding.
