Thank you so much for visiting my blog during the
Creating A Quilted Legacy Blog Hop.
Creating A Quilted Legacy Blog Hop.

It took me a long time to respond to everyone's comments,
and there are still a few that have been buried in my emails,
so I apologize If you have not heard from me.
so I apologize If you have not heard from me.
After all the comments were tallied, my 'behind the scenes' assignment
was to use the Random Number Generator
to select the winners of the giveaways.
Congratulations to everyone who won a prize!
All winners have been notified and almost everyone
has responded, but, if after a reasonable amount of time,
a winner has not made contact,
that prize will be reassigned.
I read a most inspiring post the other morning
by Tish of The Madd Quilter,
Tish's Adventures in Wonderland
that I’d like to share with all FMQers.
I’ve practiced FMQ a lot on my Janome Horizon 8200,
and I mean A LOT!
And I’ve become very confident.
However, I don’t always know how to quilt every top,
and I sometimes get discouraged.
This post is a must read for inspiration and motivation.

Just look at that beautiful quilting job!
Click on the picture for a closer look-see.
(I've borrowed this picture from Tish, but didn't ask
for permission, so THANKS, Tish!)
My own 'shelter-in-place' sewing has been
inspired by Amy Sinibaldi's 2018 Aurifil BOM block,
Roman Square.
All winners have been notified and almost everyone
has responded, but, if after a reasonable amount of time,
a winner has not made contact,
that prize will be reassigned.
I read a most inspiring post the other morning
by Tish of The Madd Quilter,
Tish's Adventures in Wonderland
that I’d like to share with all FMQers.
I’ve practiced FMQ a lot on my Janome Horizon 8200,
and I mean A LOT!
And I’ve become very confident.
However, I don’t always know how to quilt every top,
and I sometimes get discouraged.
This post is a must read for inspiration and motivation.
Just look at that beautiful quilting job!
Click on the picture for a closer look-see.
(I've borrowed this picture from Tish, but didn't ask
for permission, so THANKS, Tish!)
My own 'shelter-in-place' sewing has been
inspired by Amy Sinibaldi's 2018 Aurifil BOM block,
Roman Square.
Taking photos for my blog is the bain of my existence
and is probably why I blog so infrequently.
I will try harder when I have all of my blocks
sewn together into a flimsy!
I am sewing rows together right now.
Intrigued by this block the very first time I saw it,
I knew this was the one when I needed to make a quilt
with a whisper of sophistication.
I enjoyed making it so much,
I just kept piecing until I had 20 blocks.
If you aren't familiar, Amy Sinibaldi blogs at NanaCompany,
and if you ever have the time,
take a lovely scroll through her delightful posts.
I'd like to personally thank Amy for having the vision
to create such a striking block.
And the fabrics she designs give me pause,
and if I had a larger fabric budget,
I'd own them all!
Oh, oh. oh! One last thing!
I thought it would be fun to have an
unannounced follow-up give away with this post.
Up for grabs is a Retractable Scissors Fob
from my daughter's Etsy shop,
Gardenia Drive.
As the country opens up,
please make wise choices, be safe,
and stay well.
and is probably why I blog so infrequently.
I will try harder when I have all of my blocks
sewn together into a flimsy!
I am sewing rows together right now.
Intrigued by this block the very first time I saw it,
I knew this was the one when I needed to make a quilt
with a whisper of sophistication.
I enjoyed making it so much,
I just kept piecing until I had 20 blocks.
If you aren't familiar, Amy Sinibaldi blogs at NanaCompany,
and if you ever have the time,
take a lovely scroll through her delightful posts.
I'd like to personally thank Amy for having the vision
to create such a striking block.
And the fabrics she designs give me pause,
and if I had a larger fabric budget,
I'd own them all!
Oh, oh. oh! One last thing!
I thought it would be fun to have an
unannounced follow-up give away with this post.
Up for grabs is a Retractable Scissors Fob
from my daughter's Etsy shop,
Gardenia Drive.
I find one of these fobs especially useful
when I am doing FMQ at my Janome
because there is very little table space surrounding the machine
and manipulating a quilt knocks everything of onto the floor.
Any comment is eligible
As the country opens up,
please make wise choices, be safe,
and stay well.
Hi Karen, glad you are coping well over there.... that quilting is stunning... like you I feel confident but an constantly amazed at peoples ability to envisage something and make it happen... that blocks is really lovely and I look forward to seeing all yours together... will be striking...
Hi Karen wow the quilting on the little quilt is amazing ,what a clever lady ,Thankyou for the thumbs up for the roman square block ,I will check it out,hope your day is a good one my friend xx
Thanks for sharing that beautiful quilt pic...xox
I struggle with photos as well. I read Tish's blog post. I have to get out of that mindset as well...and get quilting the 17 unfinished quilt tops I have. Yikes....
For some crazy reason I missed all the hopping. The days are melting into each other ir seems. That is such a cool block. Can’t wait to see what you have to show. I know what you mean about taking photos for your blog. I struggle with that too. Just never the proper light . I must check out Amy right now. I need some inspiration. Hugs
Tish’s quilting is really beautiful on that piece. I get that same feeling when I come to the quilting part of my pieces. I’m loving your block there and am looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with them.
So nice to read your new post, Karen! The Aurifil block is intriguing and, yes, sophisticated is a good description. The scissor fobs are cute! I have a small box to the right of my machine and, yes, I've knocked it over more than once. (I have learned to relocate the box when I'm FMQing. And I use a magnetic pin bowl for basting pins -- the kind of bowl used by auto repairmen because the magnet sticks to the side of the car.)
I love this Roman square, beautiful!
Your quilt block is very pretty. Cool scissor fobs. Enjoy your day! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom
I am so looking forward to your Roman Square quilt. Now that I know the story of the design, it's that much more special. I have some leftover bits of fabric from one of Amy Sinibaldi's lines. It is the sweetest, softest print, and I loved the quilt I made from it. You can ignore me for the drawing so someone else has the chance. :) Those fobs are adorable, though.
Wow that block is awesome. Tish's quilt is fabulous. I struggle with how to quilt a finished quilt too.
That's a beautiful block! I can see why you were taken with it. I'm not familiar with Amy's blog, so I'll hop over there next. Keep sewing away, Karen, and staying safe!
well howdy there! All your photos continue to show some very crafty and creative projects being made by you and others! Hope you're safe at home. Take Care!
Thank you for sharing the flying geese quilt - isnt it gorgeous! The Roman Square block looks interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how you are going to put them together. Stay safe and well. xx
I always take too many pictures and yet I need one more to show that one aspect of the block or the quilt or the binding... You get the picture (pun intended). Thank you for letting us know that the winners have been informed. I was waiting for a blogpost with a list of the winners. Silly Me.
That is a striking but unusual block. I am sure you will put it together in a stunning quilt. Hope you are staying safe and sane. Big Hugs from afar.
Hello friend!!! Love your creative work, It's like an adventure!
Love and miss you!! Patty
Beautiful block Karen.
Will you be able to go North this year?
I'm sure the quilting on Amy's quilt is lovely... but I am unable to enlarge the photo. Blogger just isn't playing well at all for me these days. I'm unable to write comments on Blogger posts from my computer either, so that's why you don't always hear from me. I have to tip-tap comments from my iPhone! (Ergh!) I'm sure your quilting is gorgeous too. I enjoy taking photos, now that I have a new little Canon point and shoot. It takes such good photos, compared to those on a cell phone. Yes, I'm making very safe decision while people around me are not. On Memorial Day, a party six house up, with a live band, proved extremely popular. About 60-75 people attended. I saw three mask-wearers, and line dancers in the driveway, with many people not practicing social distancing. I stayed in a driveway three houses away... shaking my head.
Hello Karen Dear. Sewing is a wonderful way to cope with our extended isolation from Covid-19. That is a very interest quilt block you have sewn. I will look forward to seeing your flimsy. How is it the end of May 2020 already?! <3
The scissors fob is something I've been thinking I need because the place in the handles where I put my scissors on my old longarm won't work now. The new one has the control buttons there! LOL I found a place, but it's fallen off a couple of times. That block is really pretty. I look forward to seeing bunches of them put together.
I really like your Roman Square block and will be anxious to see your top completed. You always seem to find such fun blocks to sew. The quilting on the flying geese quilt is beautiful. I think it's wonderful that you have a machine you can use to quilt your projects. I still have to have someone quilt mine or do hand quilting. Glad you are keeping busy and having fun with this new quilt block.
Hi Karen, I’m a fan of Amy’s fabric too and that quilt block is lovely! I would love to see what you make of them. Those scissor fobs are that your daughter makes are so sweet ! Stay well!
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