With everything that's going on in the US,
it's difficult to know how to begin a new post.
I am so thankful that I have the quilting bug
and not the corona virus,
and I can lose myself in my sewing.
I was still in a slump
during the initial stages of the pandemic,
so I whipped up this simple little top
using a 5-piece fat quarter bundle by Kanvas Studio
called Cherry Twist, that I found for only $5.99
Working with 3/4" and 1-1/4" strips,
I really took my time building each of the 20 blocks
for this quilt top, which measures 54" x 66".
The block is called Roman Square by Amy Sinibaldi.
I mentioned it in my previous post.
I hope to have it quilted up
and ready to gift to Crafty Daughter's boss/friend next week.
You know how sometimes you immediately 'click'
with someone?
That was the case with these two gals!
I always have a leader/ender project or two in the works,
so thought a quick pic of my design wall was in order.
I couldn't resist making a shelter-in-place quilt.
Village, by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.,
was released for free by Moda Fabrics when the pandemic began.
The little houses whip up quickly.
I'm making some with chimneys, and thought I might
add some tree blocks. Maybe. We'll see.
The plus blocks were my leader/ender project
for RSC2020, but kind of took the back seat to the houses.
Last, but not least, the winner of my little give away!
With the help of the random number generator,
Angie's comment was selected to receive a scissors keep
from Gardenia Drive Etsy Shop.
Congratulations, Angie!
I'll be in touch!
As always, be cautious, stay safe,
and enjoy your day.
Take things one day at a time,
and we'll get through this together.
I was still in a slump
during the initial stages of the pandemic,
so I whipped up this simple little top
using a 5-piece fat quarter bundle by Kanvas Studio
called Cherry Twist, that I found for only $5.99
Measuring 58" square,
this quilt, along with the one I am currently working on,
will be sent to my extended family in Maine.
There are two young people there who lost their mom
in a fatal car crash late last summer.
I'll show you quilt #2 in my next post.
The first week of sheltering-in-place,
the bobbin winder on my Singer broke.
Considering all my options,
I ordered a Simplicity Side Winder from Amazon
and was saved!

Reviews were all over the place,
but I took a chance, and since I knew what to expect beforehand,
I'm not disappointed.
The second week of sheltering-in-place,
it became quite obvious that I was going to run out of thread soon,
and I had to place another online order.
Thank goodness, Quilt in a Day was having a sale.
That's pretty much the extent of my
Pandemic Blues,
other than not being able to return to Canada.
It is what it is!
Piecing my simple quilt top did the job
of hoisting me up and over that slump
and I was ready to get back to work on something
a little meatier!
I really took my time building each of the 20 blocks
for this quilt top, which measures 54" x 66".
The block is called Roman Square by Amy Sinibaldi.
I mentioned it in my previous post.
I hope to have it quilted up
and ready to gift to Crafty Daughter's boss/friend next week.
You know how sometimes you immediately 'click'
with someone?
That was the case with these two gals!
I always have a leader/ender project or two in the works,
so thought a quick pic of my design wall was in order.
I couldn't resist making a shelter-in-place quilt.
Village, by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.,
was released for free by Moda Fabrics when the pandemic began.
The little houses whip up quickly.
I'm making some with chimneys, and thought I might
add some tree blocks. Maybe. We'll see.
The plus blocks were my leader/ender project
for RSC2020, but kind of took the back seat to the houses.
Last, but not least, the winner of my little give away!
With the help of the random number generator,
Angie's comment was selected to receive a scissors keep
from Gardenia Drive Etsy Shop.
Congratulations, Angie!
I'll be in touch!
As always, be cautious, stay safe,
and enjoy your day.
Take things one day at a time,
and we'll get through this together.