Owls have fascinated man from time immemorial - to some cultures they are symbols of wisdom, while to others they are harbingers of doom and death.
Barred Owl
Forest Glen, Nova Scotia
11-2012 |
And to crafters, they are just too darned cute!
There are owl cakes, owl quilts, owl jewelry pieces,
owl die-cuts for scrapbookers, and owl just-about-anything-else!
Because owls have stormed the craft world this past year,
I thought it might be fun to post a few owl facts.
Christmas 2011 gifts for all the kiddos! |
Most owls are nocturnal birds of prey with some exceptions:
Several types of owl, however, are
crepuscular — active during
the twilight hours of dawn and dusk; one example is the
Pygmy owl.
Because of the nocturnal habits of owls,
they are a coveted check mark on any birder's life list.
"Their habits, and cryptic plumage,
make it easy for us to walk straight past them."
Worldwide, there are 223 species
In North America, 37
My life list: only 3 visual, 1 audio
Barred Owl,
Somewhere in Maine |
Though owls are typically solitary,
the literary collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament.
Interestingly, if you look up parliament in the dictionary,
there is no mention of owls.
The smallest owl — weighing as little as 31 g (1.1 oz)
and measuring some 13.5 cm (5.3 inches) — is the
Elf Owl .
The largest owl by length is the the Great Grey Owl,
which measures around 70 cm (28 in) on average
and can attain a length of 84 cm (33 in).
Scientists studying the diets of owls are helped by
their habit of regurgitating the indigestible parts of their prey
(such as bones, scales and fur) in the form of
These "owl pellets" are plentiful and easy to interpret,
and are often sold by companies to schools for
dissection by students as a lesson in biology and ecoloogy.
Instead of moving their eyes, owls swivel their head
to visualize their surroundings.
The swiveling radius of the owl’s head is around 270˚,
easily enabling them to see behind them without relocating the torso.
Barred Owl,
San Antonio, TX
12-2009 |
I jumped on the owl bandwagon, too, when I saw this adorable quilt kit
For the backing, I used a flannel sheet from a sheet set
that I had purchased at half price after Christmas.
I appliqued my little friend's name to the accompanying pillowcase!
Now she has a little matching 'set'.
The CROSSLEY ID Guide advises that if you want to see an owl,
"you will have most joy looking on the first calm evening after a storm."
Good Luck!